Monday, May 3, 2010

Easter Celebration

We marched down Main Street on Easter Sunday afternoon. I love walking together to or from our Sunday gatherings, especially if we head down Main Street or Hastings. We are not a typical gathering in this area, a motley crew of kids of all shapes colors and sizes, and various adults fitting the same description. The children are filled with life, and often are careening off of adults or telephone poles on the crowded sidewalks of Chinatown or through the vendors selling their wares on Hastings. On Easter we were especially exuberant and the joy was contagious. The look in people's faces amuses me to no end as you can see them trying to puzzle out how we all know each other or where we are going together and why. If they ask, we tell them, "we are a church, would you like to join us?" which feels a little like we have said, "would you like to join the circus, it's lots of fun!"

On this Easter Sunday, we are aware that the Risen Christ has broken through the barrier walls that separate us from one another. That the Risen Christ conquered the power of sin, death and separation to make a new family of all the people's of the earth. Having walked through the pain and the brokenness of Holy Week (and Lent) having named all the things that could separate us the power of what unites us felt all the more powerful in the bright and shining Son.

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